I aim to make this vision a reality, overseeing works on our Operating System ("OS") built by Automation House for our XXII Ventures.

This year, our team of developers for internal projects rose to six, and in result, we already can:

1. Chat with our company wiki.

2. Generate content drafts from any given source: internal mastermind recordings, sales meeting automatic notes, strategy presentations...

3. Let our Pipedrive manage itself and enrich our leads with 40+ data points summarized by AI, too...

4. Generate leads at scale by ordering the proper target group in natural language and waiting a few hours to find every legally available email on the Internet. 

All those tools, small and big, are connected to a central "Single Source of Truth" database. This is the black box that will only get better with further progress of LLMs and Moore's Law progression. 

But this is only the tip of the iceberg. 

To discover what's under the surface of the water, visit my Automation House  #webinar tomorrow.

I will share:

A. Many specific ideas of high-impact automations in sales, marketing, talent acquisition, client and employee onboarding... you name it!

B. What tool stack and dataflow did we choose for our Operating System, and what was my most costly mistake there.

C. My vision for the future of the workspace and how not to miss out on it.

It will be especially beneficial to business owners, department leaders, and tech enthusiasts from medium to large-scale businesses.

I can't wait, especially for the Q&A, to interact with all of you! 

The webinar is free, but we have only 500 spots during the event, and most of them are already filled!